One day wellness retreat




2023 DEC (已完成)

2021 DEC (已完成)

2021 DEC

end of the year
a Day of Gratitude
one day retreat

一天 退修營



Date: 27/12/2021 . mon . public holiday

Time: 10:00 - 17:15

Location: 木木 FOREST & STILL (Lai Chi Kok)

capacity: 4-8 pax


10:00 - 10:15 Opening | Gather

10:15 - 11:45 Dance | Intuitive Soulful Movement - Michelle Chan

12:00 - 13:00 Plant-based Lunch*

13:30 - 15:30 Yoga | Yin Yang - Charlotte Lam

15:30 - 16:00 Meditation | Meditation & Journaling - Charlotte Lam

16:15 - 17:00 Sound | Singing Bowl Relaxation - Nicole Chan

17:00 - 17:15 Closing

*Lunch is only available for those joining the full-day retreat
(schedule may vary)



聯合帶領 Guided by
Michelle Chan (@michellechandmt) | Charlotte Lam (@charlotteinwhite) | Nicole Chan (@island_within)

Michelle Chan 陳韻樂
舞蹈/動作治療師 Dance/ Movement Therapist (M.S., BC-DMT, CDP, CCTSF)

生於香港,熱愛生命與藝術。畢業於紐約普拉特藝術學院(Pratt Institute)舞蹈/動作治療碩士學位及香港演藝學院舞蹈系。現為美國督導級註冊舞蹈/動作治療師、真實動作實踐者、獨立舞蹈表演者、舞蹈導師、培訓導師及Move2be (Creative Arts Therapy)的創辦人及總監。服務對象包括小孩、青少年、成年人、長者、特殊需要或學習障礙人士、精神病復康者、在囚人士、受創傷影響人士、照顧者及多元文化背景的群體,並就社會關注的議題(如精神及心靈健康等)以藝術創作為發聲的平台,推廣關注全人身心靈健康及Move To Be Well的概念。

Charlotte Lam

瑜珈冥想導師 Yoga and Meditation Teacher


Nicole Chan

正念瑜伽導師、頌缽治療師 Mindfulness Yoga Teacher, Singing Bowl Practitioner

愛說故事,愛大自然,愛孩子。曾從事電影製作多年,累垮身體而要施手術,感覺身心分裂而找上瑜伽;於2017年遇上啟蒙老師Janet Lau,完成RYT500小時瑜伽師資培訓,修習瑜伽及正念(mindfulness),體會到我們如何體驗世界,是取決於我們的 mind (心識),因而決心探究 “how our mind works”。沿途上,完成多個禪修營及培訓,曾往內地的四念住禪修中心禪修1個月,並遠赴印度2個月修讀佛學課程,遇上達賴喇嘛的親身教學,契合埋藏於內心,轉化民間疾苦的心願。2019年遇上資深聲療導師Malbert Lee,完成頌缽培訓1至4級,並開始在療癒中心透過頌缽作靜心及療癒。現於不同地區的瑜伽館、療癒中心、公司機構等地方教學及演奏,也於香港癌症基金會擔任義務老師,並恒常於坪洲舉辦靜修營。



fee 費用

全日 Full-Day Retreat   including lunch

Original $1200
Student* $1050

*students refer to current package holders or those who have been to FOREST & STILL classes from 1/9/2021 until now.

單堂 Single Session

Dance 1.5 hour $400
Yoga + Meditation 2.5 hour $480
Sound 45 mins $280

Registration will be closed on 12 Dec 2021.
Please WhatsApp/ Signal +852 65327720 to register.



remarks 其 他 資 料

  • The class will be guided in Cantonese.

  • Please arrive 10-15 minutes before to get change, settle yourself in, or even do a pre-class meditation/ savasana in silence. Slowing down our pace and get ready for the mindful practice.

  • As spaces are limited (max 8 students), please book earlier to reserve your mat, booking on a first-come-first-serve basis.

  • Minimum students per class will be 4 pax. If there is less than 4 pax enrolled, we will contact you 3 days before for class cancellation. 最少4名學生才開課,如課堂需要取消,我們會在課堂前3天個別通知同學。

  • Because of the nature of this special course, we are not able to refund the tuition if you miss the class/ cancellation after confirming your space.
    因課堂特別設計,一旦報名確認,我們將不可更改/ 退還學費。

  • When Tropical Storm Warning Signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, our studio will be closed. If the signal is lowered 2.5 hrs before class, class will be hold as usual. If the signal is still hoisted within 2.5 hrs before class, class will be cancelled. Please follow our Instagram for the latest arrangement.
    當八號或以上之熱帶氣旋警告或黑色暴雨訊號生效,課堂將會取消。課堂前2.5小時訊號下降,課堂如常。課堂前2.5小時內仍然維持訊號,課堂將會取消。請留意我們IG Stories更新惡劣天氣下的課堂安排。

Special measures for COVID 疫情下安排

  • All students have to perform a temperature check before entering the studio.

  • Please take off the shoes on the mat once entered the studio, and wash/sanitize your hands before and after the class.

  • Please wear a mask during class, before & after class.

  • Although yoga mat is provided, you are welcome to bring a wipe to clean the mat again before the practice. We recommend bringing your own mat, which is much more hygienic and best for your spiritual practice. Remember to bring your water bottle & towel too. Equipment is sanitized before and after each session.

  • Anyone who has returned or lives with anyone who has returned from overseas must refrain from attending our class for 21 days commencing their date of return.



testimonial 學 生 的 話



booking 預 約 查 詢

whatsapp +852 65327720 / Click Here!